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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Galin K.A. Limitation of Freedom of Contract Concept in German and Russian Federation Law

Abstract: The paper generally draws on the problem of mandatory, non-mandatory and law rules open to interpretation influence to the freedom of contract. First part of paper is dealt with the necessity of limits of the freedom of contract as well as the presumption of imperativeness and dispositiveness of German and Russian Federation contract legal provisions. Second part entails the impact of legal provisions open to interpretation to the subject-matter of contract in Germany and Russian Federation. The latter also compares the invalidity provisions of immoral deals in Art. 169 of Russian Civil Code and in § 138 of BGB.


comparative law, limits of freedom of contract, mandatory and non-mandatory law rules, presumption of imperativeness and dispositiveness of law rules, law rules open to interpretation, food faith, justice, social morality, immoral contracts, usurious contracts.

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