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Philology: scientific researches

Golubitsky, Yu. A. Oh, my Friend Scientist, Please Set Out your Ideas Properly! (Concerning the problem of vocabulary and stylistics of modern research texts in humanities)

Abstract: The author of the article — philologist by his first education, writer and sociologist in his research activity — analyzes vocabulary and stylistics aspects of researches of humanitarian texts from the point of view of the Russian language norms and traditions. In the author’s opinion, in binary preposition of linguistic discourses (encratic and acratic languages) Russian method of keeping records of the results of scientific activity is still performed in the form of quasi language and can be defined as a complex of linguistic anomalies but not as a particular communication phenomenon. The given article provides an insight into the history of interactions between scientific and literary methods of keeping records and reflecting social reality — interaction expressed in the form of pendulous paradigm of divergence and convergence processes.


philology, stylistics, binarity, paradigm, quasi language, discourse, literature determination, social skills, literature centrism, language arts, sign, symbol, image, metaphor, alphabet, knowledge, descriptiveness, hermeneutics, structuralism, paradoxicality.

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