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Philology: scientific researches

Lazarev, V. V. Concerning Metaphysical Perspective of Herzen’s Rapprochement with Slavophilism (Dedicated to the 200th Anniversary since Alexander Herzen’s Birth)

Abstract: Where does the irreconcilable divergence between Herzen’s Westernism and Slavophilism start? What would make them united as one? Do they represent the one dual element or two completely different elements? Herzen’s views on communalism, Russia’s mission in history and Western development were quite similar to those introduced by the Slavophiles. However, they did have very different opinions on religious. The author of this article studies Herzen’s unconscious religiosity although he declared himself as an atheist.


philosophy, monism, dualism, monodualism, religiousness, faith, organic synthesis, Herzen, Westerners, Slavophiles.

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