Philosophy and Culture
Kasavina, N. A. (2012). Therapy and Technology: How to Work on Existence?. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 94–104.
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Philosophy and Culture
Kasavina, N. A. (2012). Therapy and Technology: How to Work on Existence?. Philosophy and Culture, 9, 94–104.
Kasavina, N. A. Therapy and Technology: How to Work on Existence?Abstract: Social technologies of psychotherapy are the result of a long process of theory formation as well as social and therapeutic practice involved in a particular culture and form of world perception. In existential psychotherapy such technologies help to revel the problem of universal human experience allowing to find ways to solve particular crisis situations. Concrete technologies of working with personality in existential psychotherapy connected with philosophical and psychological conceptualizations of such fundamental elements of human consciousness and psyche as the feeling, meaning, value and life define the relation between these technologies and particular existences or combinations of existences. Keywords: philosophy, existential, psychotherapy, technology, existence, emotion, feeling, depression, science, experience.
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