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Philosophy and Culture

Yurkevich, E. V. Information-Related Peculiarities of Combination of Material and Spiritual Aspects of Living Systems Existence

Abstract: Based on the summary of the models of managing living systems, the author analyzes the connection between the material and spiritual aspects in mechanisms of information exchange between the above mentioned essences. Based on the supposition that construction or analysis of an object starts with the determination of the goal, the author suggests his own concept of the system applied to the description of natural and man-made entities. The author also suggests to use the concept of functional reliability when describing humanitarian systems. Functional reliability means part of the entire reliability of the system characterizing the researcher’s self-assurance and commitment to achieving the goal the system has been constructed for. It is also assumed that the functional reliability of the system is the most general synthesis and analysis criterion. The author suggests his own model of description of information exchange between living entities. The model involves the sign, image and symbolic levels of interactions. Using this model, life can be viewed s a form of information exchange between material and non-material substances which defines their systems organization. It is shown interactions between material elements cause the response to information exchange between sign levels. A living entity can perceive information exchange as well as form and transfer information at the sign and image level and use information at the symbolic level according to his spiritual qualities and features. Human is the only one living creature who can form information exchange at the symbolic level according to his spiritual qualities and goals.


philosophy, system, purpose, information, sign, image, symbol, function, reliability, life.

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