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Pedagogy and education
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Forecasting and Methodological Interpretation of Russian Education and Sociality. Pedagogy and education, 3, 44–56.
Rozin, V. M. Forecasting and Methodological Interpretation of Russian Education and SocialityAbstract: The article analyzes the expert’s analytical report ‘Future of High School in Russia: Experts’ Opinion’ prepared by the Center of Strategic Researches of the Siberian Federal University. The report is devoted to the forecast of the second wave of Enlightenment that would turn the ‘knowledge-based pedagogy’ into ‘research and project based pedagogy’ as well as activity pedagogy. The author of the article analyzes the arguments provided by the report writers and shows that report conclusions seem quite dubious because even the nearest future is quite uncertain and sociality keeps changing all the time. Instead of forecasting, the author suggests to use methodological interpretation of the situation in modern civilization in general and education in particular. As a part of such interpretation, the author analyzes modern social megatendencies, leading type of sociality which is typical for modernity, Russia’s path and sociality and, finally, demands for education and pedagogy caused by the above mentioned trends. Keywords: pedagogy, sociality, programs, ideals, content, crisis, prognosis, selfishness, identity, uncertainty.
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