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Culture and Art

Chrenov, N. A. Symbolism in the History of Development of Alternative Culture

Abstract: The article raises the question about the need in viewing symbolism as an artistic beginning not only from the point of view of art history but also cultural studies. Before symbolism appeared, esthetics was primarily oriented at sensitive elements typical modern. But symbolism, continuing the romanticism tradition, rehabilitated the supersensitive element which already started to fade away in the history of culture at the turn of Middle Ages and Renaissance. Such a transfer to a new epoch at the moment when symbolism was originated created new relations between the sensitive and supersensitive. Symbolism is a new phase of rehabilitation of the super-sensitive after Romanticism. This feature of symbolism takes its meaning beyond the borders of art history approach in the sphere of cultural studies. As the matter of fact, rehabilitation of the supersensitive, as P. Sorokin’s fundamental conception of socio-dynammics declared, meant the initial point of alternative culture, or culture of ideatsional type.


cultural studies, alternative culture, culture of sensitive type, culture of ideatsional type, supersensible, symbolic forms of expression, theurgist esthetics, new religious consciousness, Epicureanism and hedonism, eternal return.

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