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International Law and International Organizations

Erpyleva, N.Y., Maksimov, D.M. Legal regulation of international carriage by rail.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the topical issues of legal regulation of the international railroad transportation of goods, passengers and their luggage within the structure of the international transport law. The latter, being a branch of international private law, is a complex of legal norms, which are refl ected in the national legislation, international treaties and customs, which regulate the obligations on transportation of goods, passengers and their luggage on the international routes. The specifi c feature of legal regulation of transportation of goods, passengers and luggage on the international routes is a large amount of material legal norms of international character, as compared to the confl ict of laws norms, as well as the variety of norms of domestic legislation of states, which are formulated for this purpose. The article includes analysis of the key sources of international transport law, which apply to railroad transportation, such as the Berne Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail of 1980, which Russia has joined in 2009. The object of the legal analysis was the legal status of the subjects of the contract for transportation, key obligations of the parties to the transportation contract relations, responsibility of carrier for the non-performance or incompliance to the conditions of performance of his obligations under the contract, the order for claiming reclamation and resolution of disputes arising from such contracts.


international law, transportation, carrier, sender of goods, receiver of goods, passenger, luggage, contract, responsibility.

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