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National Security

Sipok, R.P. Meaning and effi ciency of the mass media in guaranteeing social security.

Abstract: The object of the studies in this article regards the social relations in the modern society and the infl uence of the mass media on the legal conscience of the people. The goal of this article is to study various means of infl uence of the mass media on criminal and anti-criminal conscience of people in the modern society. The use of results of this study may be helpful for the mass media personnel for the formation of the educated policy in the sphere of information for the peole in order to form an anti-criminal culture of behavior and to lay the legal ground for the growth of social self-conscience. As a result of this study, the author comes to a conclusion that the maximum level of legal conscience in the society is one of the most effi cient guarantees of the law-abiding behavior of the people for the state and the society. The author also comes to a conclusion that solidarity of the people with the crime-prevention operations and with the protection of victims is a positive condition for such activities. For example, in the opinion of many psychologists the more effi ciently the mass media fulfi ll the requirements of the people, the more sustainable and broader becomes the connection among them. However, the commission of many crimes takes place under the infl uence of the mass media, which spread the information in order to improve the ratings of their TV programs or publications. The main value of this article is the conclusion of the author, that in order to make the implementation of the criminal law policy more effi cient it is important that the state would have certain information impact on the people, since self-regulation of the mass media and provision of information on prevented and duly investigated crimes may have a positive impact on the formation of the general criminal situation in our state.


jurisprudence, crime, security, protection, invincibility, mass media, legal conscience, state, punishment, infl uence.

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