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National Security

Potanin, M.M. The concept of international security of energy supply of Russia in the Asian-Pacifi c dimension: what do we take to the APEC summit in Vladivostok.

Abstract: The paper regards the problem of international energy security of Russia in Asia: the interests, risks, threats and opportunities of this country. The author analyzes the structure of the working part of the APEC energy issues: units, tools, projects and achievements, then he outlines the depth of participation of Russia in these structures. Based on the existing strategic documents describing the doctrine of the Russian energy security, as well as on the basis of the declared interests of APEC, the author formulates a new concept of partnership in the energy sector between Russia and the countries of the Asia-Pacifi c region, establishing the ground rules of mutual cooperation.


energy security, international energy cooperation, Asian-Pacifi c region, energy dialogue.

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