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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Mozolin V.P. About the Macro- and Micro- Legal Regulation of the Complex Property Relations in the Economic Sphere

Abstract: The problems of complex legal regulation of property relations in the area of economy and the issues concerning ratio of private and public law in regulation of modern market relations are considered in the article. The article contains theoretical conclusions and proposals regarding improvement of existing civil legislation.


system of Russian law, complex legal regulation, public law, private law, property relations, improvement of legislation.

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3. Mozolin V.P., Lafitskiy V.I. O statuse Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, Banka Rossii i drugikh yuridicheskikh lits v svyazi s proektom novoy redaktsii Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF // Zakonodatel'stvo — ekonomika. № 1. 2011. S. 7