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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Zorkin V.D. Corruption as a Threat to the Stable Development of Society

Abstract: The present article examines the legal problems of combating corruption. Principal trends of the improvement of anti-corruption legislation of the Russian Federation are proposed. Particular attention is paid to the combating organized crime as a social basis of corruption and developing legal means of counteraction against corruption in the public sphere including the problematic aspects of confiscation of property, lifting immunities of public officials, etc. The author emphasizes that the main goal and objective of combating corruption is to provide rule of law environment.


combating corruption, improvement of legislation, conflict of interest, confiscation of property, organized crime.

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2. Federal'nyy zakon ot 25 dekabrya 2008 g. № 273-FZ «O protivodeystvii korruptsii» // SZ RF. 2008. № 52 (ch. 1). St. 6228