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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Pavlova, O. N. Solution of Problems of Male Sexual Identity (Psychoanalytical Work with Night Dreams)

Abstract: The article is devoted to a very topical issue – psychoanalytical process aimed at formation of mature heterosexual male identity. Analysis of the problem of deformed male sexuality based on this particular clinical case raises a question about theoretical interpretation of the role of female identification in biosexual field of male identity. The main stress is made in the sphere of maternity representations as the basic predisposition for formation of intra-psychic female objects necessary for external interactions and building a relationship with a woman. The other aspect typical for unstable male sexuality is a specific complex of fears that changes in the process of psychotherapy. Important role in male sexuality is taken by the issue of homosexuality which central role is to defend from formation of Oedipus sexuality. Main instrument of psychotherapeutic process and the basis for theoretical conclusions is the interpretation of night dreams.


psychology, psychoanalysis, identity, sexuality, homosexuality, night reams, interpretation, male, female, maternity.

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