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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina, T. N. Joy and Pleasure as Basic Emotions

Abstract: The author of the article views joy and pleasure as the two different basic emotions. The author describes modern concepts of basic emotions. It is underlined that the majority of authors outlines one basic positive emotion, however, some authors call it pleasure and others call it joy. The author provides the results of empiric study of subjective emotions. It is shown that the majority of people (up to 70 % of cases) consider joy and pleasure to be different emotions. Pleasure is usually associated with bodily sensations (food and sex) while joy is associated with the feelings of truth, beauty and etc. It is proved that as two different emotions, joy and pleasure have most of the features of basic criteria as described by K Izard.


psychology, emotions, positive emotions, basic emotions, joy, pleasure, feelings, emotional experience, everyday concepts, pleasure centers.

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