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Philosophy and Culture
Apresyan, R. G. (2012). Words of Love: Eros, Philia, Agape. Philosophy and Culture, 8, 27–40.
Apresyan, R. G. Words of Love: Eros, Philia, AgapeAbstract: On the basis of the contextual and semantic analysis of Ancient Greek words: eros, philia, agape (based on mythology, philosophy and Scripture the author makes the following conclusion: if we take into account that language practices were different at different epochs (classical Ancient World, late Hellenistic Greece, early Christianity) and in the first place those differences were related to knowledge, then a frequent supposition that there are different words denoting love in the Greek language is some kind of a semantic myth. There was no such a Greek language which would actually differentiate these terms. Copresence of these words, although they seem to be so much differentiated in their meaning, does not go beyond the frames of general dictionaries. Keywords: philosophy, cultural studies, love, eros, phili, agape, Adar, semantics.
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