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Philosophy and Culture
Kolchigin, S. Yu. (2012). Concept of Soul in Phenomenological Approximation. Philosophy and Culture, 7, 16–22.
Kolchigin, S. Yu. Concept of Soul in Phenomenological ApproximationAbstract: This article is an attempt to take a new look at human. It is proved that it is his spirit and senses but not his mental ‘self’ (consciousness) which is a true nature of human. Analysis is based on experience of phenomenological reduction, when the subject of research is the sphere of senses and feelings even though these are traditionally viewed as part of consciousness and deprived of its own peculiarities. The author shows that there is a very deep structure in human inner world which can be defined as a spiritual unit (or ‘soul’ in the exact meaning of this word). Basic laws of such a unit are opposite to the laws of material and sensual existence and mental phenomena and act as additional. This structure determines features of all human sensuality and cogitation and it is the source and substance of all higher forms of emotional life and an important beginning in human evolution and personal architectonics. Keywords: philosophy, consciousness, sensuality, phenomenology, spirit, ideal, real, spiritual, structure, human.
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