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Culture and Art
Zabelina, E. V. (2012). Simultaneism as a Breakthrough of Visial Images
into Tempoeral Dimension. Culture and Art, 4, 75–83.
Zabelina, E. V. Simultaneism as a Breakthrough of Visial Images into Tempoeral DimensionAbstract: In 2012 it is going to turn 100 years since simulateniusm was founded. Simultaneism is one of the avantgarde movements in art of ÕÕ century, one of the founders of which was Robert Delaunay. Being born at the junction of art and science and being based on the theory of light and color by French chemist Michel Eugène Chevreul, simultaneism armed people of art with completely new expressive methods of artistic language and inß uencing the audience. Expirements with simultaneous contrasts and forms allowed to depict the illusion of movement in art. Figurative art was changed into transformative art. Leger’s film ‘Mechanic Ballet’ clearly proved that the principles of simultaneism could be used in the black-in-white cinematograph. He used a certain form of film editing built on quick connection of fixed fragments (which was called ‘simaltenous editing’ in cinematograph). This particular article is aimed at clarying the definition of simultaneism and showing certain aspects of its implementation in art. Keywords: history of art, simultaneism, movement, film editing, fine arts, cinematograph, illusion, color, Robert Delaunay, Fernand Leger.
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