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Culture and Art
Orlova, E. A.
Synergetic Ideas in Studying Socio-Cultural
// Culture and Art.
2012. ¹ 4.
P. 18-31.
Orlova, E. A. Synergetic Ideas in Studying Socio-Cultural Micro-DynamicsAbstract: Synergetic method defines a new position in researches of formation and dynamics of systems (compared to a typical modern position in science). Combined with other Post-Modern concepts, this method provides wide opportunities for studying socio-cultural processes including implementation of a new mathematical tool. The author of the article considers methodological opportunities of using synergetics when studying socio-cultural micro-dynamics. The author describes similar concepts allowing to draw analogies between problems arising in both approaches and their possible solutions as well as between key concepts. Special attention is paid at the research methods used in studying processes of creation of socio-cultural integrations and transitions from one phase to another. Keywords: determinism, interaction, non-linear dynamics, uncertainty, Post-Modern, process, synergetics, sociocultural reality, socio-cultural formations, chaos.
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