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Administrative and municipal law

Kalinin, G.I. Powers on control and review over the quality and security of foodstuffs of animal origin

Abstract: In the light of the fact that the Russian Federation is joining the WTO, there is need to harmonize the Russian legislation with the international law in the sphere of quality and security of foodstuffs. At the same time there is currently a serious problem in the sphere of separation of powers in the sphere of state review over quality and security of foodstuffs of animal origin. Based from both the Soviet and the international (mostly European) experience in this sphere, only the veterinary service is able to view the whole way of such foodstuffs “ from the field to the fork” and to control their security. The author considers that the Russian Federation should follow the example of the EU and to provide the functions of control over the quality and security of foodstuffs of animal origin to the united state veterinary service.


products, powers, review, quality, security, rules, service, turnover, harmonization.

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