Philosophy and Culture
Torgashin, A. Yu. (2012). About Impossible Ontological Non-Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 82–87.
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Philosophy and Culture
Torgashin, A. Yu. (2012). About Impossible Ontological Non-Freedom. Philosophy and Culture, 6, 82–87.
Torgashin, A. Yu. About Impossible Ontological Non-FreedomAbstract: The article proves the thesis about structural impossibility of ontological non-freedom and unconditional compatibility of freedom and determinism. Moreover, it is the mechanistic determinism and non-illusion freedom that are compatible as the author says. It is concluded that compatibilism and incompatiblism are old-fashioned methods of the problem solution unlike the hypothesis about calorie as the explanation of the warmth phenomenon. Keywords: philosophy, freedom, free will, freedom of choice, determinism, agnosticism, compatibilism, casuality, Dennet.
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