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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Chebakova, Y.V., Perederyaeva L.V. (2012). Gender factors of psychosomatic symptom formation (on the model of somatoform disorders). Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 55–60.
Chebakova, Y.V., Perederyaeva L.V. Gender factors of psychosomatic symptom formation (on the model of somatoform disorders)Abstract: The articles presents the study focused on analysis of gender psychosomatic symptom formation. The study involved 20 women diagnosed with F45.3 — “somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system”, and 20 women without diagnosed somatoform disorders with the use of the gender role questionnaire BSRI S. Bam. The article shows that gender identity is a complex system, in which structure the following components are identified: a gender ideal, gender stereotype and internal gender. The article confirms that an internal gender acts as a flexible, dynamic education, changing its values in the course of the disease. Authors had found that the psychological factor of somatoform disorders appears in inconsistency of gender ideals, gender stereotypes and internal gender. The article allocates two gender factors of psychosomatic symptom formation that implement two different strategies of pseudo-resolution of the intrapersonal conflict: the rejection of the internal gender and finding more femininity. Keywords: psychology, psychosomatics, disease, conflict, symptom, identity, femininity, gender, ideal, stereotype.
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