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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kushenko, D.L. On the question of re-socialization of juvenile offenders

Abstract: The article highlights the issues of a re-socialization of convicted juveniles in the aspect of psychological and educational work with the individual during adolescence. The article reflects the importance of the legal mechanism of socialization and re-socialization of juveniles serving their sentences in a juvenile correctional institution. Author discusses the importance of psychological and educational work in the institution and the subsequent work to support adaptation of persons outside of it. The article marks personal characteristics necessary for the re-socialization of convicted juveniles, lists the main task of adults-psychologists: the focus on the development characteristic of adolescence. The articles gives the objectives of development during adolescence, on which a program of the re-socialization of convicted juveniles can be constructed.


psychology, personality, re-socialization, development, society, adaptation, a convict, a person, juvenile, right.

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