Philology: scientific researches
Annenkova, I. V. (2012). The Place of Rhetoric in Foreign and Russian Philology. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 5–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59597
Annenkova, I. V. The Place of Rhetoric in Foreign and Russian Philology
The article is devoted to the patterns of rhetoric revival or so called ‘rhetoric renaissance’ of the 20th century.
Foreign and Russian philologists and philosophers finally paid attention at this almost forgotten science which long
time ago gave birth to many other disciplines such as stylistics, pragmatics, cognitive science and others. It has
turned out that rhetoric can synthesize all the achievements in its ‘affiliate’ sciences and offer not only social reflexion
on the social improvement (or, better to say, improvement of social communication) but also scientific reflexion which
enables to understand the mental and discourse processes in different national cultures.
philology, rhetoric, neorhetoric, axiology, paideia, rhetoric renaissance, linguistic philosophy, theory of argumentation, rhetoric ideal, communicative nature of culture.
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