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Pedagogy and education
Korniliev, V. V. (2012). Formation of the Principle of Reality. Pedagogy and education, 2, 63–77.
Korniliev, V. V. Formation of the Principle of RealityAbstract: The term ‘attraction’ loses its universal meaning in psychoanalysis nowadays. There is a need in other terms for describing more abstract features. The author suggests the term ‘principle of a psychic event’. Some features of pre-genital character have a controversial meaning, too. The author describes the genesis of the principle of reality contestant to the principle of pleasure. The conflict of principles makes a significant influence on formation of pre-genital characters. The author of the article also makes a few remarks about the origin and development of a religious feeling and religions in general. Due to their functions formed by the principle of reality, our consciousness is attracted to death. The author also views how the conflict of principles influences the development of creative skills. The author makes an assumption that distortion of the process of formation of the principle of reality may cause a mental disease, in particular, schizophrenia and autism. The article also contains remarks about teaching and upbringing persons with suicide tendencies. Keywords: teaching, religion, character, development, creativity, denial, death, principle, attraction, psychoanalysis.
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