Police activity
Lavrentyeva O. O.
Administrative revision as one of the anti-corruption means in the system of
public service
// Police activity.
2012. ¹ 3.
P. 16-19.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59576
Lavrentyeva O. O. Administrative revision as one of the anti-corruption means in the system of
public service
the author describes legal and structural issues in the reform of public service. The author
outlines complicated processes and effects, which happen in the system of public service and result in the
lawfulness and discipline of public officers. Certain public officers are using their positions to gain benefit and
enrich, in relation to what the establishment of the state officer’s income and expenses revision is justified.
corruption, risk, revision, control, service, officer, reform, data, certificate, declaration, system, requirements, assessment.
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