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Culture and Art

Vanslov, V. V. Culture and Art in the Modern World

Abstract: The article provides an assessment of the humanistic role of art as well as its role in the development of humanism. Art unites people, helps a better understanding between nations and creates the spiritual foundation for human. The author of the article describes the two elements of the crisis of modern culture (and art as an important part of it): material part (insuffi cient budget) and spiritual part. Spiritual crisis is related to the loss of the spiritual dominant of the epoch. The author’s arguments say: the art becomes small and insignifi cant; there are major artists but it would be too early to speak of any epoch-making creations. The author underlines the role of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts in preservation of professional art school. Academy successfully realizes target programs and implements the principle of high art. The author also touches upon the opposition between traditional and so called modern art as well as expansion of the horizons as a consequence of globalization.


cultural studies, history of art, technological civilization, industrial civilization, human sciences, humanism, avant-garde, crisis of culture, leftover principle of culture fi nancing, classics, world culture.

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