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Listov, V. S. "Here the Eagle is Flying, Heavy and Scary": Speaking of one Historical Motive in Alexander Pushkin’s poem ‘Yezerskiy’

Abstract: The article is devoted to the verse XIII of the poem ‘Yezerskiy’. This verse is full of profound philosophy and meaning and, based on the author, has a concrete historical implication. The verse describes the events happened in 1815 when Napoleoe escaped from Elba Island and moved to Paris – evolution of Buonaparte’s ideas and his retaining his power and government. The verse also very well proves Pushkin’s tendency to ‘parody history and Shakespear’.


cultural studies, Alexander Pushkin, Napoleone Buonaparte, history of Russia, history of France, Hund red Days, memoirs, Jacobinism, proclamation, empire.

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