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Culture and Art

Polosina, A. N. The Idea of Violence in Lev Tolstoy’s Creative Work

Abstract: Despite the fact that the idea of violence is quite utopian and abstract, when Lev Tolstoy refreshed the idea at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century in his own grandiose way, it made a strong impression on his contemporaries, attracted criticism of philosophers and politicians of all kinds and movements and created grounds for it to be recognized and accepted in many regions of the world (by Mohandas Gandhi, Martin King and others). As if he could foresee an unusual splash of violence in the oncoming 20th century, the writer kept discussing the Antique truth in his novels, philosophical and political essays, diaries, letters and verbal expressions. Although we do not even claim that we will be ever to fully represent this topic, we will try and analyze the genetic sources of Tolstoy’s rejection of violence as well as evolution of the idea of Satyagraha in his philosophy.


cultural studies, genesis, violence, Satyag raha, state institution, power, money, Church, Christianity, rejection.

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