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Philosophy and Culture
Pavlova, O. N. (2012). Homo Sexualis: Psychoanalytical Topography of Sexuality in Modern Culture
and Personality. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 74–81.
Pavlova, O. N. Homo Sexualis: Psychoanalytical Topography of Sexuality in Modern Culture and PersonalityAbstract: Modern age is marked with intensive qualitative changes in human sexuality — extensive sexualization of many spheres of the society and culture, on the one hand, and desexualization of intimate areas of the human. Due to this, sexuality needs a new method of assessment. In order to understand the current state of the sexuality, it would be interesting to look upon the problem from all sides — as a phenomenon at the joint of philosophy and psychoanalysis, the two vectors of thoughts and views. The first vector of philosophical and psychoanalytical research would be the analysis of peculiarities of modern culture and society forming sexuality of the modern human, from the point of view of their morphogenetic and structural factors, with the focus on new phenomena which has arisen only recently: narcissism, dissolution of sexual differentiation, feminization, trans-sexuality, annihiliation of sexuality and many others. The second aspect of the research is the qualitative characteristics that determine specifics of sexual identity of a modern human: narcissistic androgyny, trans-sexuality, aleksisexuality, perversity and plurality of genders, hypersublimation. Keywords: philosophy, psychoanalysis, sexuality, culture, antique times, androgyny, narcissism, transsexuality, sublimation.
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