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History magazine - researches

Davidov M.A., Fokin S.A. Liberated consciousness in the villeinage country: on the problem of the world-view of Vorontsov M.S.

Abstract: the life of Vorontsov M.C., one of the most important figures in Russian history of the first half of XIX century, is a vivid example of the free mind at the enserfed society. The foundations of his worldview was formed in England, in a legal state with a developed civil society. And it is a priori created a dissonance between the reality and the inner world of Vorontsov. Repeatedly he was faced with incomprehension and condemnation of his actions at work and in private life. For an internally free man it was not easy to live in serfdom Russia in the first half of the XIX century. Autocracy as a variant of an oppressive regime in all social strata fostered a certain type of mind arising from the organizing principles of tyranny: arbitrariness and fear. Such consciousness is, in principle, is outside of the legal field and evaluate the phenomena of life based on the dichotomy of “unconditional domination / submission”. The serfdom consciousness has become an important factor in the popularity of socialist ideas in post-reform Russia on different social levels.


history, the Vorontsovs’ family, consciousness, freedom, serfdom, monarchy, legal consciousness, emancipation, rights, socialism.

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