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National Security

Kashapov, T., Fabiankova, K. Trade and economic cooperation between Germany and the USSR since 1939 till 1941.

Abstract: Molotov-Ribbentrop’s pact signing marked the beginning of the two-year period of intensive economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. This article is dedicated to the analysis of trade between the two countries during 1939-1941 period, its role in the economic and technological development of civil and war economies. The main objectives of the article was the research of mainly foreign archive materials and literature and presentation of its results concerning the two sides’ intentions, reasons of close cooperation establishment and the structure of trade. The evaluation of cooperation is mentioned in the conclusion as well as the discussion on appropriateness of the Pact for the Soviet Union.


Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Hitler, Stalin, war economy, economic cooperation, Germany, the Soviet Union.

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