National Security
Sedykh, N.S.
Modern terrorism from the point of view of information and psychological threats.
// National Security.
2012. ¹ 2.
P. 68-75.
URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59458
Sedykh, N.S. Modern terrorism from the point of view of information and psychological threats.
The article includes analysis of terrorism as an information and psychological threat. The author views the
means of mass communication as a discourse system, and their role in social construction of the phenomenon
of terrorism. The author offers the methods for the studies of the specifi c psychological and information-based
infl uence of mass media and communications reports on terrorism in order to organize an efficient information
and psychological counteraction.
psychology, terrorism, terrorist act, threat, influence, information, communication, text, discourse, media-discourse.
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