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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Tsarkova, L. V. Development of Professional Self-Consciousness of Convicted Under-Age Delinquents

Abstract: Formation of a professional self-consciousness among young people is one of the most significant issues that contribute to creation of active drivers in social and professional environments. A person who happens to be at a penal institution is temporarily isolated from the society that has a negative influence on his legal and social status. Many citizens experience serious problems with everyday and professional adaptation after they are released. This is why the goal of psychological service at a penal institution is to help convicts prepare for their release as well as find their professional identity and re-socialize. A program described in this article is part of the model of psychological support of development of professional self-consciousness when working with convicted under-age delinquents. The article contains a description of the program taking into account peculiarities of under-age convicts and their life conditions.


psychology, self-consciousness, personal identity, convicts, delinquents, provision, model, program, occupations, profession.

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