Philosophy and Culture
Zhukovsky, V. I. (2012). Common Framework of the Theory of Fine Arts. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 95–104.
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Philosophy and Culture
Zhukovsky, V. I. (2012). Common Framework of the Theory of Fine Arts. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 95–104.
Zhukovsky, V. I. Common Framework of the Theory of Fine ArtsAbstract: The article describes the basic terms of modern theory of fine arts and the process o creation of an image in a dialogue between a recipient and a creation. The author of the article also discusses the role of an expert in arts who represents conceptual provisions of the theory. According to the author, an expert in arts combines such professional aspects as knowledge, research and maieutics. Keywords: philosophy, creation, expert in arts, researcher in arts, maieutics in arts, affectation, trial, dialogue, image, style.
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