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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Vozhatova, O. N. (2012). Dynamics of Demonstration of the Author’s Position of Teenagers as the Subjects of Communication
Under Conditions of Development Education. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 46–53.
Vozhatova, O. N. Dynamics of Demonstration of the Author’s Position of Teenagers as the Subjects of Communication Under Conditions of Development EducationAbstract: The author of the article describes dynamics of demonstration of the author’s position of teenagers in the process of getting to know telecommunications. It allows to describe the trends of its development from lower to higher levels at Yugra Studio of Journalism and a Journalists’ Club at College of Arts for Gifted Children in the North in Khanty- Mansiysk. Dynamics of demonstration of the author’s position of teenagers are studied in the process of an educational experiment which was planned taking into account the psychological environment allowing teenagers to understand the meaning and values of telejournalism as well as the variety of its realization. The author describes the psychological environment which helps a teenager to form his author’s position in the process of setting and reaching difficult goals in the sphere of telejournalism. Keywords: psychology, telecommunications, position, teenagers, journalism, criteria, experiment, tendencies, level, formation.
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