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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korneenkov, S. S. Theories of Consciousness in Different Types of Cognition: Relationship between Consciousness, Psyche and Material

Abstract: The problem of consciousness, psyche and material is one of the most difficult issues in scientific cognition of human. This article is aimed at: 1) brief analysis of the basic hypotheses about the nature of consciousness in different spheres of knowledge: science, philosophy, religion and yoga; 2) description of the modern approach to the relationship between consciousness, psyche and material. When drawing out the main conclusions the author notes that consciousness is a universal phenomenon existing in each atom of the material. The main characteristic of the consciousness is an impulse to exist, a will to self-preservation and a desire to survive and live forever. Representatives of different spheres of knowledge divide the universal (i.e. integral) consciousness into various levels. This is the reason why there are so many theories of consciousness today. Modern experimental researches show that brains are not related to the production of consciousness at all. Our brain catches and transmits information and energy which allows us to express all kinds of potentials and capabilities. Our brain models the souring world by the means of neurons. Many neurons working together make it possible to build a model of the world. Consciousness can exist both outside one’s body and one’s spirit and consciousness is both material and ideal because it has a dual nature. There is no such a science which could fully explain the phenomenon of consciousness. However, we have all grounds to believe that science, philosophy, religion and Eastern teachings are gaining more common points about the nature of consciousness as the basis and prime cause of all being including earthly lie, psyche and human consciousness.


psychology, theory of consciousness, universal consciousness, levels of consciousness, material, brain, psyche, soul, Eastern psychology, Christian anthropology.

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