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Administrative and municipal law

Zelentsov, A. B., Babich, D. V. Peculiarities of Responsibility for Violation of Law Concerning Transplantation in the Ukraine

Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of law concerning transplantation in the Ukraine as well as the problem of legal treatment of activity performed by persons who violated the relevant rules of transplantation of organs and tissues.


transplantation of organs and tissues, donorship, crime, transplantation rules, criminal law, medical activity.

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1. Osnovy zakonodatel'stva Ukrainy o zdravookhranenii ot 19 noyabrya 1992g. (st. 38-40, 43-51, 78).
2. Instruktsiya o provedenii klinicheskikh ispytaniy lekarstvennykh sredstv i ekspertize materialov klini-cheskikh ispytaniy; Tipovoe polozhenie komissii po voprosam etiki. Utverzhdeny prikazom Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya № 281 ot 1.11.2000 g