Pedagogy and education
Avalyan, S. A.
Searches for the Truth in the Process of Trans-Mutation
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. ¹ 1.
P. 68-74.
Avalyan, S. A. Searches for the Truth in the Process of Trans-Mutation
The article analyzes a Russian philosopher Georgy Gurdjiev’s teaching. Any race, national or epoch, in his
opinion, just as any profession has a certain number of ‘poses’ which make a certain ‘style’ connected with specific
forms of thinking and feeling. Human cannot change forms of his thoughts or his ‘poses’. Based on Gurdjiev, everything
in the world is material and different forms of material have different degrees of density. The author of the article also
touches upon the problem of relation between mystics and philosophy.
pedagogy, philosophy, enlightenment, mystics, culture, studies of mystery, trans-mutation, intellect, truth, human.
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