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Culture and Art

Kirillova, N. B. Human and Myth in Space of Media Reality

Abstract: The article descibes challenges of the information epoch, infl uence of information technologies on social conciousness, growing role of media culture including the industrial culture, transmission of information and the culture of perception of this inormation. Mass media is more and more actively acquiring new functions of creation of a new social and cultural human environment – virtual world which is often perceived as an objective reality. They create myths which allow us to perceive and explain the world around. However, myths create a human themselves as well. Formation of a personal outlook, system of morals, picture of the world is one of the main functios of media culture in modern society. In the long run, media helps a special mythological media reality. Modern human happens to be between a myth created by mass media and objective reality. This is why the ‘ecology of culture in the space of a screen’ becomes so important. Media education plays an important role in formation of that ecology. Its object and subject is a media human – a new type of personality of the 21st century.


cultural stuies, information technologies, media culture, media environment, medial reality, virtual reality, cypser space, media human, myth and mythmaking, media education and media competence.

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