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Culture and Art
Salnikova, E. V. (2012). On the Question of Prehistory of Visual Technical
Culture. Culture and Art, 2, 53–61.
Salnikova, E. V. On the Question of Prehistory of Visual Technical CultureAbstract: Visible phenomena created and transmitted with the help of electromagnetic signals do not have a mechanic body of a visible image of painting fabric, paper and such. Technical visual images do not make one whole with their material carrier (screen, for instance) but occurs as a result of many-stage technical process. The main feature of visual images is their immateriality and volatility of its location. Before the technological revolution of the New Times we dealt with other immaterial, only visual forms of perception. The author suggests to classify them as ‘conditionally visual’ and ‘naturally visual’ forms and traces back how the conditionally visual forms have been transforming in our modern civilization. The picture of the sky is interpreted as naturally visual – like a screen transmitting visual information which has esthetics and social topicality. Keywords: cultural studies, visuality, information, remotability, astronomy, astrology, photography, TV broadcast, cinematograph.
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