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International Law and International Organizations

Getman-Pavlova, I.V. Science of international private law: French theory of statutes in XVII century.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the French school of international private law in XVII century, which developed the theory of statutes, which was the main and the only theory of the international private law since XIV century. The author then makes a conclusion that the development of the French doctrine includes two phases and for teachings (Italian, French, German and Belgian-Dutch). Much attention is paid to the attitude of the French scientists towards the Italian theory of statues and the doctrine by Bertrand d’Argentre. The article includes analysis of the works of 17 French scientists, who studied the confl ict of laws in XVII century.


international law, international private law, XVII century, France, the theory of statues, the Bartolistes, d’Argentre, judicial practice, coutumes, decision of the French parliament of August 28/September 2, 1600.

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