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International Law and International Organizations

Pakerman, G.A. The experience of unifi cation of investment law in the EU.

Abstract: The unifi cation of the EU law has infl uenced the states with various legal systems, and their legal norms are sometimes profoundly different. One of the specifi c features of the unifi cation of the law of the EU states is that it is based on the EU law and supranational character of the powers of the EU bodies. Analysis of various aspects of the unifi cation of legal regulation in such a large regional union as th EU is quite valuable for the improvement of legal regulation of foreign investments in the CIS, the EurAsEC, and other post-Soviet formation, as well as for the forming Eurasian Union.


international law, unifi cation, harmonization, investments, the EU, the CIS, the EurAsEC, the Eurasian Union, the integration, the common market.

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