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Taxes and Taxation
Krasnoperova, O. A. (2012). Sources of Integration Law as an Element of Tax Mechanism of EU
Member-States. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 49–57.
Krasnoperova, O. A. Sources of Integration Law as an Element of Tax Mechanism of EU Member-StatesAbstract: The article is devoted to the study and analysis of European tax mechanism and one of its key elements – sources of tax law in the EU as well as questions of interaction between integration tax legislation of the EU and national tax legislation of the EU member states. EU tax legislation is aimed at modernization and simplifi cation of existing rules related to rendering services to foreign customers, improvement of the return tax procedure when making deals in other EU countries, fi ght with deceptive practices and tax evasion, reduction of the number of violations of the competition rules between EU member states with different tax rates and elimination of the international double taxation which arises as a result of consistent taxation of income in the country where a fi rm is registered and in the country where a fi rm gets such an income. Experience of tax harmonization of EU member states is quite interesting and can be very useful when improving the inner tax legislation of the Russian Federation and international law nature of the legislation of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Byelorussia. Keywords: European tax mechanism, tax harmonization, tax integration, sources of EU tax law, implementation, directive, regulation, EU Court decisions, direct taxation, indirect taxation.
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