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Philology: scientific researches

Sofronov, V. V. An Offer of Pain. Semiotic and Phenomenological Aspects of the Analysis of Marcel Proust’s ‘In Search of Lost Time’

Abstract: Perhaps we need to admit that during the second half of the 20th century the greatest discovery in the complex of sciences evolving around such concepts as ‘text’, ‘language’, ‘human’, i.e. anthropology in a wide meaning of the word, was not the discovery or proof of the idea of duality, superficial dimension, dichotomy of semiotic systems (culture). In some way or another, the idea of duality both of the language (binary opposition) and the world in general have been quite constant throughout European history.


philosophy, philology, semiotics, phenomenology, diachrony, synchrony, metaphor, metonymy, writing, speech.

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