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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Berezina, T. N. (2012). Mental Images of Higher Order in the Structure of Imaginative Form. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 1, 13–25.
Berezina, T. N. Mental Images of Higher Order in the Structure of Imaginative FormAbstract: The article gives the summary of modern views on the nature of image and describes a few approaches to the definition of mental images and relevant theories and classification. The emphasis is made on existence of the two systems of information processing: imaginative and verbal. The author describes the levels of summarizing of the processed information within each system. The author makes an assumption that imaginative information undergoes a few levels of processing and images of a certain order are being processed at each level. Orders are defined by analogy with the levels of integration into the second signaling system. Images of the zero order are sensitive images, images of the first order are similar to eidetic memory, images of the second order are classical secondary images, orders of the third order exist in the form of a contour — summarized images. Orders of the fourth order are special transformations, images of the fifth order — non-verbal etalons of moral, philosophical and mathematical generalizations. Keywords: psychology, images, mental images, secondary images, first signaling system theory of dual coding, imagens, vivid representation, propositional representation, images of higher order.
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