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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Dolgova, N. Yu. (2012). Research of Team Work By the Means of Modern Computer Technologies. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 2, 72–81.
Dolgova, N. Yu. Research of Team Work By the Means of Modern Computer TechnologiesAbstract: The article is devoted to various approaches to studying team work. The author establishes and tries the Trajectory Method — kind of F. Gorbov’s Homeostat type — by the means of a special ‘tool for teamwork assessment’ which allows to expand capabilities of teamwork researches and generate criteria of efficiency evaluation. The author studies the connection between success of teamwork and regulatory experience. It is proved that successful performance of teamwork at school, in many cases, is defined by the experience of usual activation of decision subjects. Operational component of regulatory experience uniting concrete tools of reformation of situation and participants of teamwork is gaining more importance. In the process of teamwork certain peculiarities of self-regulation system are completed with cooperation experience which makes an impact on the nature of relations between participants and chosen strategy of interaction. Keywords: psychology, team work, self-regulation, personal regulatory experience, cooperation, activity, personality, regulation, interaction, cooperation.
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