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Philosophy and Culture

Yakovlev, V. A. Metaphysical Principles of Natural Scientific Researches of the Phenomenon of Life

Abstract: The article provides a brief summary of evolution of philosophical teachings about life. The main emphasis is laid on the analysis of the problem of origin and nature of life in the light of new achievements in physics, biology and chemistry during the 20th — 21st centuries. The author of the article describes the metaphysical status of principles of invariant nature and periodicity in modern natural scientific researches of the organic matter. The author also gives his critical review of the reduction approach –brining of living organisms’ features to the signs and characteristics of non-organic matter. Based on experimental data, the author describes the status of the ‘life’ issue and suggests a new approach to solving this issue based on the defining the phenomenon of life as a special form of information reality.


philosophy, life, evolution, reality, invariant nature, periodicity, reduction, program information, consciousness.

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