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Philosophy and Culture

Siyuhova, À. M. Understanding the social and cultural role of mythopoetic creation of the position of the philosophers of antiquity: the projectionthe theory of elites

Abstract: The article explains the role of folk art to preserve the spiritual foundations of society, the preservation of the mental characteristics of ethnic groups. We consider the conflicting views of ancient philosophers to the place of folklore in the social and artistic practice of nations. As a catalyst to do with mythology and art examines the views of ancient philosophers to the person and work of Homer. Applying the theory of the cyclical development of culture and the theory of Spengler Pareto elite, concludes that the idea of a cyclically evolving "heart" of the culture it is projected on the socio-cultural features of the intellectual elite of antiquity and its views on such an important cultural phenomenon, as folklore of ethnic groups.


Cultural, Society and the philosophers of antiquity, mythology, art, Homer, the social elite, the "soul" of culture.

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