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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Korneenkov, S. S. The Feeling of Fear in Altered State of Consciousness (Psychodiagnostics and Psychotherapy)

Abstract: The author of the article studies psychological and spiritual causes of fear and phobia. The author shares the method of gaining the altered state of consciousness. In such state of consciousness one can actually conduct self-diagnostics, psychocorrection and psychotherapy of negative emotions. The main characteristics of the altered state of consciousness include: the depth of immersion, energy intensity and carrying capacity which reflects the amount of energy one can embody and emit. The author of the article develops an integrated technology of learning and self-cogitation. The article also contains measured data concerning feelings of fear in the altered state of consciousness. It is concluded that the given technology allows to study our own psychic processes, states, emotions and personal traits in their dynamics. The technology also has a significant psychotherapeutic effect and harmonizes psychosomatic state as well as develop a whole range of positive personal traits such as patience, calmness, balance of mind, responsibility for one’s words and actions.


psychology, psyche, altered consciousness, self-cognition, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, phobia, personality, fear.

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