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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

E.S. Bajenova Migration of Population in China: Huge Increase in the Context of Transition to the Market Economy

Abstract: Article devoted to the analysis of migration situation in China in the course of economic reform. Statistical data show the high growth of urbanization and migration in the PRC as the result of successive reform last decades. The author makes the conclusion that in the near future the migration potential of Chinese rural areas will decrease. China has to make efforts for transition from extensive to intensive forms of production (instead of using unqualified labor force from the countryside), for transition to innovative economy during the 12th five-year plan (2011-2015). This is the key for decision of the main problems: decreasing the share of labor force and population ageing, the shortage of nature resources and protection of nature using new technologies.


economic reform, market economy, social problems, Chinese experience, migration, labor force

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